Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Grow your own food and save money

Tomatoes are like fruits. You can eat them as raw as they are,you can cook them, you can use them in salads. Tomatoes has many use. Like bread you need to have tomatoes on a daily basis. Tomatoes are easy to grow and maintain. Do you have them in your garden?

Gardening is not hard labor, it has some heath benefit. When you are in the garden you energize your emotions.Gardening is part of exercise. Eating fresh fruits from the trees is good for your health.

Just spent 30 minutes on a daily basis towards your garden and see the effect in just 3 weeks.
- Health benefit
- Physical benefit
- Mental benefit
- Good looking home
- Money saving

Do you know about the following:
  • Tomatoes are great sources of vitamins and minerals.
  • Tomatoes improve your vision.
  • Tomatoes prevent urinary track infection.
  • Tomatoes protects your heart.
  • Tomatoes protect your skin.
Grow your own food and enjoy them while still fresh from the garden. You also save yourself money. You are welcome to post and comments about your garden. If you have not started, what is holding you? Plant your own fruits in your own gardens. We just harvested this.

Friday, December 1, 2017

10 easy to grow fruits in your garden

We all want to be at the top. From what we eat so shall we be. Some fruits are easy to grow, no need to spend money all the time if you want to eat fresh fruits. What you need to know and understand is that fruits from the market are not "fresh".Fresh fruits are from the source - that can be your garden not fridge or market.

The following 10 types are easy to grow and maintain:

  • Tomatoes
  • Strawberries
  • Mangoes
  • Peaches
  • Apricot
  • Paw-paw
  • Avocado
  • Apple
  • Figs
  • Berries
How much money and time will you save if you can have above mention trees in your garden? How healthy will you be? You need to grow your own food.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The look and benefit of the garden

How do you keep your gardens alive. For you to look and feel batter all the time there are some stuffs you do everyday at a specific time. Do like wise for the look and benefit of the garden.

  • You only plant flowers?
  • You only plant trees?
  • Do you buy trees or flowers or both?
  • Do you save seeds?
  • Are you aware that some trees and flowers grow from cutting?
  • Plant and keep planting.
How much do you spent for water and seeds? As for me I try to have all as free as they can be. Everything with seeds from vegetables,herbs and fruits I plant seeds and save some. Watering cost money. You need to pay municipality if you use their water. Rain is not there but on the days of rain We harvest water for gardening.

NB: Dig a hole (at least half a knee high) and feel it back. When you plant and water your veggies or fruits which you have planted moisture stays longer. You save time and use it for other gains.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Arbor hour,arbor day then week,month and year

Just take one hour in a day towards your success and see how blessed are you. I hope we all know that paper is from trees. Once we know and understand this everyone will be successful. We will all know that by planting trees we are actually planting money,who doesn't want money? Even though most of us used plastic money(cards) the truth is, MONEY is made from PAPER and PAPER is made from trees.
Arbor plant your tree every week and after a year you will be amazed. you won't have any challenge when coming to money matters. Remember: trees are your money.  Plant more trees and reap the benefit.
In a year we have 52 weeks which means you can have 52 trees which will yield fruits on the second set of 52s and by then you will be having 52 kinds of rewards/fruits. Just work your understanding and start planting trees.

The best knowledge is shared and followed.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

It takes two years

As long as you live one day and forth you will be thankful if you can start today by planting one to two fruit trees per month. you don't need to have a big space to have trees in your yard. you can start by planting inside a pot and keep trimming the tree the maintain a good growth standard.

What you need to know is that, once your trees start yielding fruits you save yourself money and you can use that money to do some household improvements in turn your health will be a t a good standard since you will be eating fruits at their seasons and they are fresh from the tree not from the market.

If you have money to buy fruits is also fine.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Eating seasonal fruits is healthy

As with every foods,we need to eat our fruits while they are still fresh so that we can stay fresh all the time. Life is very busy, we are very busy if you don't act you will be left in the dark. We must say thanks to the progress we are making in this era.

Our message for this week is that, you need to plant,plant and plant almost every day. As you all know that one kind of a fruit on a daily basis keeps a doctor away,it will be good to have all kinds of fruits in your garden.Where I am it is the seasons for avocados. We are busy sowing.

Do you know that everything goes around a circle?

We are so fortunate that we can live in two physical world.

  1. The world we have created.
  2. The world we have found.
The world we have created is the world of  internet of things. In this world we can say and do our best without been monitored, and is my advice to you that all the trees baring fruits which you have planted so far you can bring the fruits in this world and sell at a profit.

Please share across all your social networks/platforms.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Just think of the importance of trees

It is very important that each one of us plant at least fifty trees in his/her life times. The most important factor contributed by trees is the oxygen we breath. Trees produce oxygen.

I will try and list some of the things we all use which we get from trees.

  • Oxygen
  • Paper
  • Medicines
  • Furniture
  • Chemicals
  • Shade
  • Foods
  • Habitat for animals
  • Cosmetics
Trees are part and parcels of our lives, Lets take a great care for them. If you can plant one tree every year starting now, you will be making a huge different in life. Even though we won't recognize you the universe will do.