Showing posts with label oxygen.trees. Show all posts
Showing posts with label oxygen.trees. Show all posts

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Just think of the importance of trees

It is very important that each one of us plant at least fifty trees in his/her life times. The most important factor contributed by trees is the oxygen we breath. Trees produce oxygen.

I will try and list some of the things we all use which we get from trees.

  • Oxygen
  • Paper
  • Medicines
  • Furniture
  • Chemicals
  • Shade
  • Foods
  • Habitat for animals
  • Cosmetics
Trees are part and parcels of our lives, Lets take a great care for them. If you can plant one tree every year starting now, you will be making a huge different in life. Even though we won't recognize you the universe will do.