Showing posts with label #fruttrees. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #fruttrees. Show all posts

Sunday, May 5, 2024

10 Tips for Growing the Best Fruit Trees in Your Backyard

Growing fruit trees in your backyard can be a rewarding experience, providing fresh, delicious fruit for you and your family to enjoy. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting out, here are ten tips to help you grow the best fruit trees possible:

1. **Choose the Right Tree for Your Climate**: Before planting a fruit tree, research which varieties are best suited to your local climate. Different fruits thrive in different conditions, so selecting a tree that is well adapted to your region will increase your chances of success.

2. **Select a Suitable Location**: Fruit trees require plenty of sunlight, so choose a location in your yard that receives at least six to eight hours of sunlight per day. Additionally, make sure the soil is well-draining to prevent waterlogged roots, which can lead to root rot.

3. **Plant at the Right Time**: The best time to plant fruit trees is during the dormant season, typically in late winter or early spring. This allows the tree to establish its root system before the onset of the growing season.

4. **Provide Adequate Space**: Fruit trees need room to grow and spread out, so be sure to plant them with enough space between each tree. Follow spacing recommendations specific to the variety you're planting to ensure proper airflow and sunlight penetration.

5. **Prune Regularly**: Pruning is essential for maintaining the health and productivity of fruit trees. Remove dead or diseased branches, as well as any crossing or overcrowded limbs. Pruning also helps shape the tree and encourages the growth of new fruit-bearing branches.

6. **Fertilize Appropriately**: Fruit trees require regular feeding to support healthy growth and fruit production. Use a balanced fertilizer formulated for fruit trees and follow application instructions carefully. Avoid over-fertilizing, as this can lead to excessive vegetative growth at the expense of fruit production.

7. **Water Wisely**: Adequate water is crucial for fruit tree health, especially during periods of drought or hot weather. Water deeply and infrequently, allowing the soil to dry out slightly between watering. Mulching around the base of the tree helps retain moisture and suppresses weeds.

8. **Protect Against Pests and Diseases**: Keep an eye out for common pests and diseases that can affect fruit trees, such as aphids, scale insects, and fungal infections. Use organic pest control methods whenever possible and address issues promptly to prevent them from spreading.

9. **Thin Fruit as Needed**: To ensure that the remaining fruit develops to its full size and quality, thinning may be necessary, especially on heavily fruit-laden branches. Remove excess fruit when it is still small to reduce competition and prevent branches from becoming overloaded.

10. **Harvest at the Right Time**: Pay attention to the ripening times for the fruit varieties you're growing and harvest them when they are fully ripe. This may require regular monitoring and testing for ripeness, but the reward of enjoying fresh, homegrown fruit at its peak flavor is well worth the effort.

By following these tips, you can create a thriving orchard right in your backyard, providing you with an abundant supply of delicious fruit for years to come. Happy gardening!

Friday, February 16, 2018

Trees are very important in our lives

There is a need to plant trees almost everyday. Trees are very important in our lives. Do you know that paper is from trees? How will life be without papers? Where will our books come from if there are no #trees.

Some important facts about trees:

  • Trees increases #property values.
  • Trees heals.
  • Trees provide food.
  • Trees provide shelter for natural habitat.
  • Trees prevent soil erosion.
  • Trees reduce water pollution.
  • Trees clean the air.
  • Trees provide oxygen
  • Trees create economical opportunities.
  • Trees reduce violence.

By planting one tree you make a huge impact in the universe and I know the universe will respond favorable. Go out and plant trees.

You are invited to follow and share our blog.

Since this is the month of #love,we know that you will be planting strawberries. Or do you have a tree by the name of #valentine? We would be happy to see your picture or comments about your trees. Good luck and be blessed.
In 2 years time we will be eating from this trees. Hang around to share with us. 2020 harvesting time in our orchards.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Are you depending on money

The value of money depend on the value we attached to it. This is the way I see it, you might have your own way but this is the way it is. I might want to sell a certain products at a certain price then the buyer find no value in it, it won't sell. Some goods don't worth the price tags associated with them just because everyone want them they turn to be high in prices.

Are you depending on money? Does money determine how far you will go?

Money indeed grows on trees. Never mind those who are educated in putting unwanted issues in your mind. They want you to spent your money with them. Start growing money and exchange for the value you want.

It goes like this.

Start today by planting  #fruttrees, Two years later they will start growing fruits then you exchange them for money. That is what we call money from trees.

Money = fruits.

Very good investment. Look after it. Enjoy reading and share across the board.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Add some more life in your garden

Fruits are beneficial to our health.
When planing your garden add some #fruttrees.
Start small and reap the benefit latter.
Once you start eating from your #fruttrees you will be saving money.
You will be eating fruits at their Season.
Your fruits will be fresh from the tree.

We have a #granadilla tree.

Granadilla fruits are good for your skin. They are very good for your blood cells and they can improve your eye  site.

Granadilla tree is a climber and you can use it for a very good veranda screen or a shade in the garden to sit underneath and enjoy your coffee or tea, reading and surfing the net.

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