Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Building a wall is not an issue,it depend

What to say?

  • We all know the Great wall of China. Was there an argument before it was constructed?
  • We all know Firewall. It products our computer systems.
  • We all know about the Berlin wall.
  • We all know about the Weaning wall in Jerusalem.
  • We have heard about the walls of Jericho.
What will the wall between Mexico and USA be called?

I think we all have walls around our yards and gardens to make decorations and protects our interest. Let's continue to plant fruits trees so that we can have plenty of foods and a greener planet. By planting trees you are giving back to the universe. What ever you give shall be returned to the rightful owner. Since animals can create raw materials for their everyday use you are doing a great job by just planting a tree in your yard.

NB: Building a wall is not an issue it depend on your perception.

We are happy to have you as a follower of our blog. We will always give the best practical advices for daily survival. If you are in Gauteng we have the best price for young #avocados trees. Feel free to fill the contact form on the right we will contact you.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Money grows on trees -read further

The truth about money is out there. The is no secret in making money. If you want paper money,plant more trees and if you want money coins dig more. You don't have to be a certified professional to make more money. Your hobbies will certify themself, you can write more books and articles about your hobbies and by so doing money will flow into your account. The bottom line is for you to understand the numbers.
Follow this five tips and grow exponentially:

  • Coin money is like seeds. And we all know what seeds are for.
  • Plant trees. Trees bring forth raw materials to be used across the board. You can use them for papers,(papers make money),medicines,foods,herbs,shelter,lotions and the list goes on and on. Pick one or more and focus.
  • Become a gardener: Gardening is a skill. It is like been an engineer,scientist,professional somebody and so on.Gardening is work done for perfection.
  • Refer business: Everyone buy something somewhere from somebody. We buy products and services. We introduce the best of the best to the people we know. You can start at real estate.
  • Sell. Everyone is a born seller. You sell ideas,products and services in turn you are not paid enough for your services.You have lots of goods in your house which are not used - people out there want them. Start by selling your 2 years old shoes.
We live by sharing. come back more often to see which trees are for sale. Your yard has more money than you think. You can also save yourself millions if you can start planting trees in your yard.
This young avocado tree will start yielding fruits in 2 years time if taken good care. From it you can have fresh fruits, sell them for money,sell them to big companies to make lotion from avocado fruits, they are also used in salads. 5 trees will make a fortune. We are selling them for R50,00 per tree.We are in Pretoria north,Gauteng,Heatherdale.

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