Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Grow your own food and save money

Tomatoes are like fruits. You can eat them as raw as they are,you can cook them, you can use them in salads. Tomatoes has many use. Like bread you need to have tomatoes on a daily basis. Tomatoes are easy to grow and maintain. Do you have them in your garden?

Gardening is not hard labor, it has some heath benefit. When you are in the garden you energize your emotions.Gardening is part of exercise. Eating fresh fruits from the trees is good for your health.

Just spent 30 minutes on a daily basis towards your garden and see the effect in just 3 weeks.
- Health benefit
- Physical benefit
- Mental benefit
- Good looking home
- Money saving

Do you know about the following:
  • Tomatoes are great sources of vitamins and minerals.
  • Tomatoes improve your vision.
  • Tomatoes prevent urinary track infection.
  • Tomatoes protects your heart.
  • Tomatoes protect your skin.
Grow your own food and enjoy them while still fresh from the garden. You also save yourself money. You are welcome to post and comments about your garden. If you have not started, what is holding you? Plant your own fruits in your own gardens. We just harvested this.